Wednesday, April 13, 2005


These are children in Baghdad. A friend of mine is a marine and he sent me all this pictures from iraq. I have so much to say about Iraq and I feel pretty confused about the whole situation. Right now I have 2 friends actively serving there. One is a marine and one is in the army. I respect them both very deeply for their scholarship, creativity and kindness. One has told me a lot about the situation there. There aren't enough troops on the ground. Insurgents tear down any kind of building up of infrastructure that either the international military builds or the Iraqis build. When I said that I think we should pull out completely and provide enough resources for Iraqis to rebuild Iraq he said: "If we left right now Iraq would implode." I think he's right and I think the $82 Billion dollars proposed for more military support is actually warranted--the only option seems like rebuilding and quelling insurgency--at least until they can pull out completely and allow people in Iraq to rebuild without the crushing threat of insurgents tearing down anything they put up. Both of my friends there feel like the war was a kamikaze mistake--that we went in without an exit strategy and created havoc that now has to be cleaned up. I believe in many ways that we went there in order to make Bush a two-term president and to increase military spending and win rebuilding contracts. However--there's another question, and I hope I can be heard on this one. What should be done when you have a dictator like Saddam? First off we shouldn't train them and sell them weapons. There are terrible terrible things happening all over the world that perhaps could be stopped through military incursion. Maybe the US should drop its paternalist habits of "saving" other countries from their dictators, when it's actually at fault for creating them, and it should certainly stop creating them, but what is to be done when you're at the stage Iraq was at with Saddam? Stand by and watch? It seems crazy to do that when we have the resources to stop a dictatorship, perhaps we should have done it wearing blue helmets as UN forces, but it's still military invasion anyway you look at it. So taking all these things into consideration I feel like the current administration's policies have pushed me to become a supporter of more military funding and more troop deployment and military incursion in Iraq. I realize that the United States' military policy would look very different if it used its policy in Iraq around the world and that we would probably not stand for other countries pre-emptively attacking one another. But the question remains, what should have been done and what should be done now? Read this blog of an Iraqi girl for more. Here's an article from adbusters about Liberal Hawks that Gabe sent me.


Blogger zipco said...

yeah that sounds about right.

nice long post. deserves a nice well thought out comment.

so here we go......


4/13/2005 12:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a bit surprised to read these comments from you and would verymuchn like to have a discussion with you on these topics, you know, a 2 way dialogue where we can respond, and have an emotional and facial connection to such things!

Real quick, i have differing opinions, on the war in iraq and its continuance.
And you ask about "Dictators" like Saddam Hussein, and the US's, sort of responsibility, of dealing with them.
Well the thing i want to rieiterate is that it is very clear this administration never went to war with the interest of deposing a "dictator" but claim a very strategic, and wealthy, location to control global capital and oil!!!!!!

The US gov't will gladly put ANOTHER oppressive regime that is freindly to their business interests, regardless of what the people WANT!

so heres the rhetoric
Maybe without an occupying army there won't be
for "insurgents" to rebel against. Maybe "insurgents" are just revolutionaries? Maybe ''insurgents" are fighting the "democractically" elected government, because they see it as an institution created by and for the USA's interest?........

theres way to many layers to just post comments on a blog.
so I am super interested in hearing your opinions.

4/13/2005 01:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for posting these fotos,
im in a pretty sensitive spot these days
and it hurts to see reality.

looks like the USA will after we cut all the trees
down and use up all the aquifers.

4/13/2005 01:45:00 PM  
Blogger Antlers said...

yeah i think i agree with you. i hold the U.S. responsible in large part for creating insurgents and the war and the dictatorship.
what i've learned from conversations nearly every day with my friends who are in baghdad is that the insurgents are paid mercenaries a lot of the time. because they've lost their jobs from the war, they fight as paid soldiers to help feed their families. the strategy of which targets they strike make sit clear that they're not just trying to push the U.S out, how could they? They strike at Iraqis whenever they try to rebuild any sort of infrastructure. I know that the U.S did not go to war with the intent of deposing a dictator solely. The original argument was a search for "weapons of mass distruction" which could be used against the U.S. That is clearly paternalistic hogwash. My question is more about what should be done when there are dictators that have complete countries under the gun? the second part of my question was what should be done in iraq now?

4/13/2005 01:50:00 PM  
Blogger Antlers said...

oh, one more thing. i know exactly where the marine friend is and the other one can't tell me where he is, though i strongly suspect he's in iraq.

4/13/2005 01:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good points.
off to work.
going to the dan witz in tribeca 2nite.
check out my buddy's blog of international resistance

check out the comments on april 11th. had some
experiences on the subway that make me feel...

4/13/2005 02:04:00 PM  
Blogger Antlers said...

Check out the post K's talking about here:
i posted a reply.

4/13/2005 03:23:00 PM  

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