Monday, August 29, 2005


highlight of my weekend: anne writing zane in blood on her boobs. Wild and wonderful weekend. Friday critical massacre. 49 ARRESTS. jeez. anyway, i only stayed for the beginning, met up with college bff katharine, dave (one) and related friends & lovers for dinner at the pink pony, ducked out and rode over to the nacho house and then rode en masse to john's going away rock & roof extravaganza. saturday was zane's super duper huge-ginormo going away rooftop party with matt & kim, poorboy johnson & the goddamn rattlesnake, meneguar!!!, mattress wrestling, free beer and sparks and a pool of fake blood. i got so drunk that i didn't make it to what sounds like an absolutely lovely show at officeops with freaking japanther. sad. tears. sorry i missed it. so then on sunday i skipped the todd p marathon show and rode my bike to coney island because i felt like it. caught the last day of espo's dreamland artist clubhouse and had a nice ride home. then i melted into the couch in front of the tv. ahhh the weekend. back to work.


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