Thursday, December 15, 2005


Dearest children, It is with great delight that I bear the news of Sin Destroyers' coming show. I have championed their chops and lauded their loudness. I have beatified their beauty and hailed their holiness. I have even rhapsodized their radiance. Put simply, I have never made anything better. Finally, comeuppance have arrived for My most favored minstrels. This Thursday's eve, nigh upon the clock striking nine, Sin Destroyers will take the stage at the honorable North Six in Brooklyn. This is the first venue of proper importance they will grace. Your support is needed now more than ever. I gave you the gift of life, so that you may return the gift of telling every Me- damned person you know to come to this show. Directions and club info can be found at and tickets can be purchased in advance at (advance purchase is not necessary, but it is cool, search for "sin destroyers"). Did I mention that if you come to any show, it should be this one? I did? I have a hard time thinking straight when I get excited. That explains why I invented mosquitos right after I invented tandem bicycles. On Thursday we shall meet, and in My holy glory, rock will be wailed. Love, God


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