Thursday, June 23, 2005


Last night, by a vote of 34-27-1, the State Senate passed S.3661 -- "The Unintended Pregnancy Prevention Act." This critical legislation allows a woman to go directly to a pharmacist to obtain emergency contraception (EC*). While the Bush Administration continues to hold up approval of over-the-counter access to EC, the women of New York can now avoid unnecessary delays in getting birth control. Echoing the support of the State Assembly earlier this year, state senators from both sides of the aisle came together to pass this bill. NARAL Pro-Choice New York applauds Senator Nicholas Spano (R) and Assemblyperson Amy Paulin (D) for sponsoring the bill, and Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno (R) and Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver (D) for their leadership. The success of this bill was a result of three years of hard work by NARAL Pro-Choice New York - and your letters, e-mails, phone calls, and visits to Senate offices. Your state senator, David Paterson, was one of the senators who voted YES for this vital piece of legislation. Thank your senator for standing up for women's health and access to emergency contraception by sending a message today! (and don't worry, we will make sure that those who voted no on this bill hear outrage loudly and clearly from their constituents!) ***************** * EC, also known as the morning-after pill, is a safe and effective concentrated-dosage of birth control pills that can prevent unintended pregnancy if taken within a few days of contraceptive failure, unprotected sex, or sexual assault. It is most effective the sooner it is taken - therefore timely access is critical. Click here for more information on the Unintended Pregnancy Prevention Act.


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