Thursday, April 27, 2006
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
*****note! don't miss tuesday shows newsflash below*****
joey's shriveled finger. a bday present for ed. i don't want to repeat what he called it because it really wasn't okay!
anyway, ed had a fucking hell of a birthday. at a certain point in the night we get a communique that there's a destruction party a few blocks away. ed leaves his own party with a dude squad and goes to said destruction party which is apparently not a real destruction party. then he tries to negotiate for one wall. WATCH THE VIDEO OF HIS NEGOTIATION HERE.
then suckapants writes about it on's blog (see april 24 post by suckapants). then suckapants posts a flash slideshow of it here. also, note two discussions of it on williamsboard here and here and also arguably here. [UPDATE: read ed's own post about it.]
then they came back and the night stayed crazy. ed got into a throat fight with bezer throwing beer everywhere while i was bringing him his cake and we were all singing happy birthday. then he put the candles out by lunging his beer-soaked hair at the cake and not blowing them out at all. he almost knocks me over with the cake, i almost knock laura over.
there was limboing, some throwing things and people. some naked tommy on the floor. i can take these pics down if you guys want me to. fun fun fun.
also, the fred flare party (sammy's work) was fun. y'all are truly happy mofos.
1) two gallants
poor boy johnson and the goddamn rattlesnake
cold war kids
starts at 6pm
248 mckibbin st apt 1J
brooklyn 11206
donations are great. "love, love, love..."
2) Japanther and the Fucking Amazingness Cankickers!!!!
71 Troutman.
also! dance contst at happy ending's shit hammered party. win a free video ipod. i think krystynna is going home with a new ipod.
dude shot circle. they looked at all the girls in the room, decided we don't like shots and poured out shots for the dudes only. then they did their secret invisible cock handshake and ran away to the no girls allowed clubhouse where they conferred with bart on the success of their mission. (don't forget that i love you guys even though you act retarded)
Monday, April 24, 2006
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Recently Ed and I drove to Dinosaur World in Florida. This place is much more than some roadside attraction. It's a life-changing experience. This theme park features, as Ed pointed out, the work of many art students with exceedingly unsuccessful art careers. It's got life-size replicas of over 150 dinosaurs!!! I would post more pics but blogger says I have reached my limit today. Oh blogger, suck a dino egg. Also, below our trip to Florida I am posting pics from my trip to Philly for the Black Floor Gallery show of Allison Corrie, Swoon and Solovei. It was so good. We had the best time ever and got all kinds of bloody.
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